Stop the development of 36 acres adjacent to La Mariposa Resort on Houghton Road

What is being proposed by The Planning Center

The same group trying to develop the area at Catalina Highway and Tanque Verde. This project would be on 36 acres adjacent to La Mariposa Resort on Houghton Road. They are proposing a “luxury casita community” with 179 units that will require rezoning for increased density on those lands.

  • Project Area: 36 Acres

  • Rezoning Area: 20 Acres 

  • Development Area 19 Acres

  • Open Space: 17 Acres 

  • 179 Units

  • 132 Lots

  • Overall Project Density: 4.97 Units per Acre

  • Rezoning Density 6.6 Units Per Acre

  • Max Height 25 Feet 

Why should you care?


Specifically Houghton Tanque Verde intersection – will cause them huge problems going forward now that Bonanza is closed, putting in 190 new rental units potentially and adding a hotel, condos, and future development.


If the CLOMAR is done and it is moved to do work on the Aqua Caliente Wash – the result will be a mess downstream. This would be the Woodland Bear Canyon – Castle Rock, etc neighborhoods)

NAI Legal Issues (Community Liability & Property Rights)

(NAI) No Adverse Impact floodplain management is an approach which assures that the action of one property owner or a community does not adversely impact the properties and rights of other property owners.


Rezoning and developing will change the whole nature of this area all along the Agua Caliente Wash

Bear Canyon Neighborhood Plan (BCNP) Agreement from

The BCNP is a well thought out land-use plan for our area and should be preserved. It is not within the power of a City of Tucson Development Services and Planning Department employee, which the Hearing Examiner is, to change the meaning intended by the simple to understand words of the plan. We must stand up to this attempt to take away vital safeguards to residents and existing neighborhoods in our beautiful area.


Respect the substantial ancient village that has already been identified to this site.

What Residents Are Saying


“We are concerned that changes to the Aqua Caliente flood plain will present an unacceptable flood risk to our neighborhood based upon historical data.”

— Concerned Resident


“If the CLOMAR is done and it is moved to do work on the Aqua Caliente Wash – the result will be a mess downstream. This would be the Woodland Bear Canyon – Castle Rock, etc neighborhoods.”

— Concerned Resident


“I believe that there may be serious archeologist issues relative to this proposal and it may involve an attorney working with us to gather the ammo to stop the project to respect the substantial ancient village that has already been identified to this site.”

— Concerned Resident


“I remain stunned by reading the Hearing Examiner’s Decision yesterday! I am unable to see how he could have moved so completely away from his written Preliminary Decision from the December virtual hearing. The developer seems to have performed some sort of miracle to have the Examiner, in effect, change the wording of the BCNP by saying he approves the rezoning before the flooding issues are resolved. The Plan language as written does not, in my opinion, permit this.”

— Concerned Resident

“Specifically Houghton Tanque Verde intersection – will cause them huge problems going forward now that Bonanza is closed, putting in 190 new rental units potentially and adding a hotel, condos, and future development.”

— Concerned Resident


“Rezoning and developing will change the whole nature of this area all along the ACW.”

— Concerned Resident


“ HOA’s may benefit from our standing up to the City as it tries to forever change the rural nature of the Tanque Verde Valley.”

— Concerned Resident


“This turn around does not pass my smell test at all! In my view, there was no new testimony given at the Reconsideration Hearing on flood resolution or home density. Both of these items were highlighted by Mr. Iurino in his first decision. The fact that concessions on Bonanza are offered up are nice, but hardly worth trading for 179 rental units next door. This will change the character of our neighborhood big time.”

— Concerned Resident

What neighborhoods will this affect?


Bear Canyon

Forty Niners Country Club Estates

Redington Estates

Mead Acres

Tanque Verde Village

Tres Lomas Verdes

Las Colinas Encantadas

Cheyenne Estates

Cresta Verde


 What you can do to help:


Sign the petition

Petitions are just one part of an overall strategy for change.

  • Let decision-makers know what the public is thinking.

  • Suggest to media that an issue has enough public interest to do a story.

  • Help an organization build a list of people who are interested in an issue.

  • Bring about additional action and raise money.

Write a letter to Tucson Floodplain Management

Elizabeth Leibold

Peter McLaughlin


Help us pay legal fees

We retained an attorney to fight on our behalf. The firm is experienced with this kind of battle. Even if we can’t stop the project completely, we may be able to shrink it down to a more reasonable size.

Know what’s happening

Read the website, watch for stories in the paper, and do your best to be informed about this project and its impact.

Attend public meetings

It’s not over until it’s over – join us at all public meetings and express your outrage over this project. When there’s a meeting, we’ll post the info here.

Write to the mayor and city council

The Mayor and Council mailing address is:

Tucson City Hall, 255 West Alameda, Tucson, AZ 85711

Regina Romero


Michael J. Ortega

City Manager

(520) 791-4204

Get in Touch

Powder Horn Ranch HOA